How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

Many parents struggle with exercising and exercise time. It’s not because they can’t exercise or don’t have the strength, it’s simply because they feel they’re too busy to find the time. I’m here to tell you that no matter how busy you are, there is always a way to sneak in time for exercise.

Prioritizing your health and fitness is important for both your physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise can improve your circulation, reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes, and help you stay healthy. Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress. Regular exercise can also help to improve your sleep, which is important for your overall health.


You don’t need to go to the gym nor do you even have to have a home gym! Just use your living room or garage! There are a TON of free workouts you can find on Youtube. That is where I get ALL of my free workouts to do at home! Workout does NOT have to cost you a thing! You can view all workouts on Youtube for free!

These are my best tips to help busy parents find time for exercising. I don’t care how young you are, how old you are, what type of busy lifestyle you have, or if you are going through a pregnancy (of course talk to your doctor if you are pregnant and take it easier!), these tips will help you make physical activity a priority every day! There are so many ways to reach your fitness goals, (even with little ones running around you!).

How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

Busy parents find time to exercise by making sure that physical activity is a top priority in their life. Most parents of younger children take advantage of nap time. They will sneak in their daily workout routine while their young children or baby are sleeping. Other parents use the below tips to sneak in daily exercise no matter how busy or chaotic their life gets.

Juggling work, family, and other responsibilities can make it difficult to prioritize your own health and fitness. Here are some of the challenges you may face when trying to find time for exercise:

Limited Time

With a busy schedule, finding time to exercise can be a challenge. You may have to wake up earlier or stay up later to fit in a workout. Alternatively, you may have to sacrifice time spent on other activities, such as socializing or watching TV, in order to make time for exercise.

Family Obligations

As a parent, your family is likely your top priority. This means that you may have to put your own needs aside in order to take care of your children. Finding time for exercise may mean finding someone to watch your kids while you work out, or involving them in your exercise routine.

Work Demands

Many busy parents are also working parents. This means that you may have to balance work demands with family obligations and personal needs. Finding time for exercise may mean rearranging your work schedule or finding a gym or fitness center near your workplace.

Stress And Anxiety

The demands of parenting and work can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety. This can make it difficult to find the motivation to exercise or to prioritize exercise over other activities that provide more immediate stress relief.

Inconsistent Schedule

As a busy parent, your schedule may be inconsistent from day to day or week to week. This can make it difficult to establish a consistent exercise routine or to find time for exercise when your schedule changes unexpectedly.

Finding time for exercise as a busy parent can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By identifying the challenges you face and making a plan to overcome them, you can prioritize your own health and fitness and set a positive example for your family and children.

Tips To Get Your Workouts In Each And Every Day!!!

Fit Exercise into Small Time Chunks

Stop looking at your exercise routine as a time-consuming part of your day. You can break your exercise routine into smaller chunks of time throughout the day. Scheduling ten-minute increments of various physical activities during the day is a simpler way to find time for exercising. Just make a date to exercise, then do it!!

Another way to make time for exercise is to incorporate it into your daily routine. This could mean waking up earlier to go for a morning jog, taking a walk during your lunch break, or doing a quick workout before bed. By making exercise a part of your daily routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and see the benefits.

How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

Use Your Errand-Running Time

Don’t forget about the beauty of using your time running errands to sneak in exercise. Park further away from the store when you’re out running errands. Use the stairs instead of the elevator when you’re shopping. Find ways to sneak exercise in while you’re running your normal weekly errands.

Combine Chores with Exercise

Let’s face it; the house is forever getting messed up when you’re raising kids. Why not combine your household chores with some exercise, then?! Do squats while you’re picking things up off the floor. Put dance music on and dance around while you’re dusting and vacuuming.

Below are some extra tips on how you can incorporate exercise when doing your chores:

Movement: Try to move as much as possible while doing your chores. For example, instead of standing still while doing the dishes, try doing some squats or lunges. This will help you get some extra exercise in while still completing your chores.

Stretching: Take a few minutes to stretch before and after doing your chores. This will help prevent injuries and improve your flexibility.

Walking: Whenever possible, walk instead of drive. For example, if you need to run errands, try walking to the store instead of driving. This will help you get some extra exercise in while also completing your tasks.

Errands: Make your errands count as exercise. For example, if you need to go to the grocery store, park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store. This will help you get some extra steps in while also completing your errands.

How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

Make Exercise Part of Family Time

Don’t forget about the rest of your family when it comes to making time for exercising! You can involve your kids in your exercise routine. This not only allows you to spend quality time with your children but also sets a good example for them to prioritize their own health.

You could go for a family bike ride, play a game of soccer together, or even do a workout video as a family. By making exercise a fun and social activity, you’ll be more motivated to do it regularly.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Take turns choosing physical activities: Get everyone in the family involved in choosing a physical activity to do together. You can take turns choosing activities that everyone can enjoy, such as going for a bike ride, playing basketball, or going for a walk in the park.

Make use of local parks: Local parks are a great place to get outside and get moving. Take your kids to the park and encourage them to run around and play. You can also join in on the fun and play with them.

Look for family fitness classes: Many gyms and community centers offer family fitness classes that you can take with your kids. These classes are a great way to get active and have fun together.

Play sports together: Playing sports together as a family is a great way to get everyone moving. You can play a game of soccer, basketball, or even frisbee.

Incorporating exercise into family activities is a great way to stay active and spend quality time with your kids. By taking turns choosing physical activities, making use of local parks, looking for family fitness classes, and playing sports together you can stay active and have fun with your family.

Use a Standing Desk

Another simple way that busy parents can find time for exercise is to set up your work at home space differently. You can use a standing desk to practice yoga throughout the time you’re working. You can use an exercise ball instead of an office chair. Last, but not least, you can use a Cubii Jr to move while you’re sitting down and working. 

Join a Group

Don’t forget about using the internet to find a community of other busy parents to hold you accountable for exercising! There are many Facebook groups and online sites that feature exercise options for busy parents. Find your tribe and join in to make time for exercise every day!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, are some frequently asked questions regarding How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising. I talked about it above, but will also rehash it for you below! That way it is more organized and you can find the answers to these questions in one spot!

How do parents find time to exercise?

As a busy parent, finding time to exercise can be challenging. However, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being. One way to find time is to wake up earlier or go to bed later to fit in a quick workout.

You can also try exercising during your lunch break or while your child is napping. Additionally, involving your children in your workout routine can be a fun way to bond and stay active.

How do new moms find time to work out?

New moms may find it challenging to find time to work out due to the demands of taking care of a newborn. However, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being.

One way to find time is to incorporate your baby into your workout routine, such as taking a stroller walk or doing postpartum exercises. You can also ask for help from your partner, family, or friends to watch your baby while you exercise.

How do I find time to work out with a full-time job and kids?

Finding time to work out with a full-time job and kids can be challenging. However, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being. One way to find time is to wake up earlier or go to bed later to fit in a quick workout.

You can also try exercising during your lunch break or while your child is at school or daycare. Also, involving your children in your workout routine can be a fun way to bond and stay active.

How do you work out exercise in a busy life?

Working out exercise in a busy life can be challenging. However, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. One way to find time is to schedule your workouts like you would any other appointment or meeting.

You can also try incorporating exercise into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing squats while brushing your teeth. Also, finding an accountability partner can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness goals.

How do people find time to go to the gym?

Finding time to go to the gym can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. However, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. One way to find time is to schedule your gym time like you would any other appointment or meeting.

You can also try going to the gym during off-peak hours when it’s less crowded. Additionally, finding a gym close to your home or workplace can make it easier to fit into your schedule.

What are some 30-minute workout options for busy parents?

Some 30-minute workout options for busy parents include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), bodyweight exercises, and yoga. These workouts can be done at home or in a gym and don’t require a lot of equipment.

Also, incorporating short bursts of activity throughout the day, such as taking a quick walk during your lunch break or doing jumping jacks during commercial breaks, can add up to significant health benefits over time.

These are some of the best ways and top tips busy parents can be finding time for exercising. If you truly want to have a toned body, less fat, and more muscle, then consider using my tips above to make exercising a priority in your life today!

Disclaimer: Please note that this blog post is not a substitute for medical advice. The information provided above should not be used as a basis for diagnosing, treating, or preventing any medical condition or disease. Before making any modifications to your diet, sleep regimen, daily routine, or exercise program, consult your physician. My Fitness Routines is not liable for any physical harm or injury that may result from the suggestions, opinions, or recommendations provided in this article. 

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5 thoughts on “How Busy Parents Can Find Time for Exercising

  1. I homeschool my daughters, and still make working out everyday a priority. I was a fitness instrucor for 12 years, so working out is part of my lifestyle. I make it part of “family time.”

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