Valentines Day Workout Ideas+ Free Checklist Printable!

Wait, wasn’t it JUST Christmas and New Year’s??? Gah! Well, anyway, today I have 20 super fun and romantic Valentines Day Workout Ideas with a partner or you can go at it solo! No judgement here, ever! 

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about chocolates and roses. It’s a perfect time to kick-start your fitness goals and new year’s resolution or continue on your fitness journeys.

Whether you’re spending the day with a special someone or you’re flying solo, incorporating a Valentine’s Day workout fitness routine can add an exciting twist to your routine in so many different ways!

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Valentines Day Workout Ideas + Free Checklist!

Valentines Day Workout Ideas (Partner Up or Go Solo)

The following exercises are 20 fun Valentines Day Workout Ideas designed to get your heart racing and is a great opportunity to help you bond with your partner, friend, or family member—or challenge yourself solo in honor of Valentine’s Day.

1. Medicine Ball Pass

A fun exercise for two, stand about two feet apart, facing each other. One partner starts with the medicine ball, and both squat simultaneously; as you come up, pass the ball to your partner. This not only works your lower body but gives you a bit of upper back and core training.

2. Wall Squat Heart-to-Heart

Back-to-back wall squats allow you and your partner to support each other—literally! Slide down into a squat position against a wall and hold it.

Maintain the position as you share plans or stories, making it a shared commitment to stay in position longer.

3. Partner Push-ups

Get into a high plank position opposite each other. As you both perform a push-up, give each other a high-five with the opposite hand. It’s a great way to challenge your core strength and enjoy a little bit of interaction!

4. Couple’s TRX Walkout Planks

If you have access to a TRX training equipment or similar suspension trainer at a fitness studio, doing walkout planks together can strengthen your entire body and particularly target your core muscles.

To do a Walkout Plank without a TRX, start by standing up. Bend over and walk your hands forward until you’re in a plank position, with your arms straight and your stomach muscles tight.

Then, walk your hands back and stand up again. This way, you “walk out” to the plank and “walk back” to where you started as you stand up and face your partner (or a mirror!).

5. Piggyback Squat

This is a playful couples workout. One partner hops on the back of the other, who then performs squats. It’s a powerful lower body and core workout and surely a great way to laugh and bond.

If you are unable to squat with your partner on your back, simply do squats side by side each other and see who can do the most! A little competition is always kinda fun! But, always use your common sense so you don’t get injured!

6. Hula Hoops Duel

Each person grabs a hula hoop and see who can keep it going the longest! You can opt for weighted hula hoops or regular hula hoops!

This is a simple exercise that can get quite competitive and is a fun exercise to lighten the mood and make you giggle a bit.

7. Lunge and Pass

Stand a good distance apart and face each other. One partner holds a weighted ball. Both perform a lunge simultaneously, and when you come to stand, toss the ball to your partner. Repeat the entire process and switch the lunging leg.

Valentines Day Workout Ideas (Partner Up or Go Solo)

8. Synchronized Side Planks

Lie on your right side next to your partner, who should also be lying on their right side. Lift yourselves into a side plank. Hold for a few seconds, then switch to the left side. This builds core strength and balance.

9. Smith Machine Combination

If at the gym, use a Smith machine for squats or presses as part of your workout routine. Take turns spotting each other and encouraging personal records.

If you don’t have a smith machine to use, face each other and do weighted squats (a dumbbell is fine!) and see who can do the most squats first!

Of course, do not ever rush through your workout as you can get hurt that way! Use common sense and have fun! Safety first!

10. Standing Partner Stretch

After some intense exercises, use this time to stretch. Stand facing each other, grasp hands, and gently lean back, helping each other stretch the front body and improve flexibility.

11. Hand Towel Tug of War

Each person grabs an end of a hand towel. Engage in a light tug of war as you both enter a squatting position, pulling slightly while maintaining your balance and engaging your core muscles.

12. Ball Wall Squat

Perform a wall squat while holding a medicine ball with your arms extended. This will help to stabilize the core and challenge your upper body strength.

13. Partner Sprint

Set a distance and sprint towards each other from opposite ends. This high-intensity activity is a huge help in burning calories and can be a fun competition.

14. Yoga Poses for Two

Try yoga poses like double tree or double seated twist, which allow for both partners to support each other’s balance and stretch further than solo practice.

15. Dance Break

Put on your favorite, upbeat song and just dance! It’s a full-body workout, and you won’t even realize you’re exercising.

16. Jump Rope Challenge

Take turns or use the jump rope simultaneously if you have space. This cardio exercise is excellent for endurance and can be a quick way to spike your heart rate.

17. Leg Push Resistance

One partner lies down while the other stands by their feet. The lying partner pushes against the standing partner’s palms with their feet, working their legs against resistance.

18. Upper Back Stretch with a Twist

Sit back-to-back and twist to the right and left, allowing your workout buddy to help the each other stretch deeper. It’s calming and helps release the tension in the upper back.

19. Cycling Together

Go for a bike ride together if the weather allows. If you don’t have a bike or can’t go riding outside, opt for a couple affordable exercise bikes! It’s great cardio, and enjoying the outdoors makes it a memorable part of your Valentine’s Day.

20. Romantic Cool Down

Finish your workout with a walk on this romantic day, holding hands if you’re with a partner, or just enjoy a peaceful solo walk and quality time with yourself.

Reflect on the achievements of your workout and the rest of the day ahead, perhaps leading up to a healthy romantic dinner.

These Valentine’s Day workouts offer unique benefits whether you’re with a partner or on your own.

They not only promote physical health but also reinforce the importance of spending time together—or appreciating one’s own company.

So this February 14th, consider adding a little active love to your celebrations! There is no better way to celebrate this special day!

Valentines Day Exercise Printable!

Click the image below or click THIS LINK to download this cute Valentines Day Workout Ideas to do on V-day! Yay!

I hope you are enjoying these effective partner exercises and are able to make some memorable moments with a loved one!

But, again, if you are alone on this glorious day, love yourself and workout for YOU!! Whatever your fitness level, you can do it. Just start slow and always talk to your doctor before trying any new exercises!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

PIN Valentines Day Workout Ideas!

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